"Minnesota 8 Celebration" - Recognition & Awards event
It is as if we Americans are not at war. It is as if there is no draft. Both are very real, and very “happening.” So I ask, Are these topics of concern to your faith community? Should they be? (See, “virtual draft.”)
Since it is always difficult to find a common
ground for the generations,
PWH executive director and “Minnesota 8” defendant, Frank Kroncke, argued a “Defense of Necessity,” based upon the moral theology of the Roman Catholic tradition. The “Documents of Vatican Council II” were accepted as evidence. Among the thirteen trial witnesses were four theologians. Frank and others of the “Minnesota 8” claimed a “Higher Allegiance” grounded in their various faith traditions. Frank served 14 months on a five year sentence at Sandstone federal prison, Minnesota. He has a Masters in Theology from the University of San Francisco, and an “ABD” in Historical Studies from a joint doctoral program of UC, Berkeley and the Graduate Theological Union. He served at the Newman Center, U of Minnesota campus, and, after prison, for four years directed a prison reform project for the American Friends Service Committee. After twenty-five years as a corporate senior manager for small and medium size firms, Frank returned to Minnesota to promote “Peace Crimes.” The youngest of his two sons is still of draft age. Contact: Frank Kroncke, 387 Pelham Boulevard #B, The Cottage, Saint Paul, MN 55104 cell: 651-895-0607 fkroncke@pwh-mn.org
ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! The military Selective Service Draft has been activated! What is your Lottery number? Click here to find out. |