Peace and War in the Heartland - Veteran's Stories


Why are we asking for true veteran's stories?

In an attempt to "bring the war home" and to make it feel real to current draft age youths, the draft Lottery is being re-enacted on several metro campuses.

The Selective Service System states that it will use the lottery. The Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre will perform the mock event.

Those who say, "My birthday is _____." and then receive their lottery number will also receive a "Greetings!" packet. This will contain a Greetings letter stating an induction date, a "1-A" draft card, a "1-A" file jacket and possibly other info. For some, this might be sufficient to start them thinking.

If and when he/she is ready, they can go to an area where there will be, say, three vets (diverse wars) sitting, playing cards, whatever - under a banner, "What happened to you in the war?" Upon request, he/she will receive a true veteran's story. As anticipated, this will range from "nothing happened," to "you came home and three years later developed PTSD symptoms," to "you lost a leg," to "you died shortly after your first firefight began."

Letters will be handed out randomly.

PWH maintains the right to editorially request clarifications, and the right to reject material.


What should a letter contain?

The letter should contain as much of the following as you can accurately remember:

1. be true - about someone you personally knew (or was in your unit)

2. have the first name of the veteran described

3. status - living or dead

4. state and town, if you know it

5. military rank

6. where served and for how long

7. age at time of story

8. description of events

9. your name and contact info (which will NOT be published)

10. We will assign an anonymous number to your letters. This indicates to the reader that PWH has your contact information.

11. While these letters will be handed out, unless you specifically request that we publish your name, rank, etc., all author information is held in confidence.

12. If someone requests to contact, say, "Veteran 113," then we will forward the request to you.


Email stories to : Vets Stories


Vets Stories
c/o Frank Kroncke, Project Director
Peace and War in the Heartland
387 Pelham Boulevard, #B
The Cottage
St. Paul, MN 55104-5152



The military Selective Service Draft has been activated!

What is your Lottery number? Click here to find out.